Thursday, April 30, 2009

VLCD Day #2

Start weight 199.8

VLCD Day #1 206.6 (+6.8 Sheeeeesh)
VLCD Day #2 203.4 (-3.2)

Total Lost +3.6lbs

I cannot believe that I gained nearly 7lbs on my loading days.  I almost threw up all over the stinkin scale when I saw that.  Doesn't help the fact that I was stuffed to the max anyway.  But I survived.  I can honestly say that I didn't eat nearly as much this time around as I did on my load days the first time.  Kinda funny how I only gained 2 lbs back then and 7 this time.  At least half of it is already gone, now for the other half.

Had the slight headache through the second half of the day yesterday.  So far today I'm doing just fine.  I wasn't hungry all day yesterday.  

an apple   

100g grilled chicken breast with Mrs. Dash
3oz of lettuce smothered in vinegar/seasonings

100g cottage cheese

Drank about 1 gallon of water throughout the day.

Thats it!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Loaded & Ready

Round 2

Start weight 199.8
Load day #1 203.0

Just finished load day #2.  My start weight for this round is 199.8.  After load day #1 I ballooned to 203.o.  I am dreading what the result will be tomorrow.  I hate seeing anything back over 200 lbs.  Thank goodness it will only last a day or 2 then it's down under 200 forever.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My apologies for the delay.  It has been nearly a month of extreme business.  I have been so involved in other projects that my updates on blogging and youtube have been nil.  Fret not for I am still here.

I returned to a normal diet after stabilization several weeks ago.  As you already know, I seemed to lock in about a 7-8 lb gain when I cheated horribly during the first 1-2 weeks of stabilization.  I have held steady at that "gain/loss".  I have sat rock solid at 200lbs.  Yes, I gained back some weight, but the good part is that despite periods of junk food festivities, I've maintained.

I will be starting another phase of hcg.  My goal for this round will be 175lbs.  My wife's birthday is Sunday, so I will be celebrating with her and calling that a load day.  I'm thinking Sunday and Monday will be load days and Tuesday will start VLCD.  I already have my hcg and other supplies.  Wish me luck and thank you for the support.